【同义词辨析】 2017-09-19 吉利favorable-propitious

favorable: implies that the persons involves are approving and helping, or that the circumstances are advantageous: ~ weather conditions for a rocket launch.

auspicious: sug. the presence of signs and omens promising success: an ~ beginning for a great parternership.

propitious: milder than auspicious, describes events or conditions that imply a continuing favorable condition: the time is not ~ to start a new business.

favorable有利: 人支持协助,情况有利,类似天时地利人和,auspicious吉祥: 有成功的迹象征兆, propitious吉利: 比auspicious弱些,表示持续有利

记忆方法: 1)FPA首字母联想,被AFP法新社报道<==吉利

          2)与法新社Agence France-Presse对应的,美联社Associated Press,我们在记2017-12-05 假设presuppose-posit和2018-01-04 属性quality-attribute用到过

          3)吉利的意思是预示好结果mean pointing toward a happy outcome.